LEDs emit non-analogue light, typically characterised by an excessive amount of blue frequencies. Regular exposure, particularly after sunset, contributes to the deterioration of sleep and potentially affecting wellness. When using LEDs, there is a risk of increased cellular damage, as well as decreased repair and regeneration capabilities.
Cells in the retina are responsible for producing melatonin, which regenerates the retina during the night. Using LED lights after sunset diminishes the regenerative and restorative capacities of your eyes, raising the risk of macular degeneration.
LED light can exacerbate health issues by promoting mitochondrial dysfunction and suppressing energy production within cells. Furthermore, LED light, including that from electronic screens, suppresses melatonin production, thereby disrupting sleep and leading to far-reaching health consequences.
Watch this video on the dangers of LED lights
Here are the most important tips from the interview with Dr. Alexander Wunsch about the dangers of LED lighting:
- Impact of Blue Light: LEDs emit a significant amount of blue light, which can cause oxidative stress and damage in tissues. Blue light exposure is particularly harmful after sunset as it reduces melatonin production, which is crucial for sleep and regeneration.
- Lack of Infrared Light: Unlike incandescent bulbs, LEDs lack near-infrared light, which is beneficial for health. Near-infrared light supports tissue repair and regeneration, boosts mitochondrial function, and enhances ATP production.
- Flicker Issue: LEDs often use pulse-width modulation for dimming, causing a flicker that, while not always perceptible to the human eye, can cause biological stress and discomfort. This flicker can be harmful at the cellular level.
- Analogue vs. Digital Light Sources: Incandescent bulbs provide a continuous spectrum of light, including beneficial infrared wavelengths, whereas LEDs provide a digital, flickering light that lacks these wavelengths.
- Biological Effects of Light: Light quality affects our health significantly. Natural light sources like sunlight and incandescent bulbs provide a full spectrum of light that supports health, while LEDs do not.
- Protective Measures:
- Use Incandescent or Halogen Bulbs: Prefer using incandescent or halogen bulbs, especially after sunset. Halogen bulbs, particularly low-voltage ones operated on a DC transformer, provide a healthier light spectrum.
- Blue Blockers: Wear blue-blocking glasses after sunset to reduce exposure to harmful blue light.
- Check for Flicker: Use slow-motion settings on smartphones or specific flicker meters to check if your lighting sources flicker and avoid those that do.
- OLED Screens: Consider using OLED screens over traditional LED screens for less flicker and more natural light quality.
- Avoiding Overexposure: Limit exposure to LED screens and lights, especially in the evening. Make sure to balance any exposure with natural sunlight or incandescent lighting during the day.
By following these tips, one can mitigate the potential harms caused by excessive and improper LED light exposure, thereby supporting better overall health and well-being.
“It’s all about energy production. What I didn’t appreciate until I heard it from you, is that maybe only one-third, a measly third, of our energy that we produce – and obviously one of those is ATP – comes from the food that we eat. The electrons that are transferred from the food, primarily the fats and the carbohydrates, are ultimately transferred to oxygen and generate that ATP. But only one-third of the energy comes from that. The rest, two-thirds or so, comes from this light exposure.”
How Smartphones Keep You Awake
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