Cutting chi

Are you exposing your body to sha chi / cutting / knife energy (with oxalates)?

Are you exposing your body to sha chi (cutting/knife) energy?
You most likely are – with food high in oxalates, such as spinach, almonds, dark chocolate, etc. (read the list below). You may never have heard of oxalates, but if you’re a feng shui enthusiast you’ve heard about sha chi / cutting chi/knife energy, etc. Oxalates are to your body what cutting chi is to you in your environment.

What is cutting chi?
In classical feng shui, sha chi/qi (煞气) refers to a negative type of chi/qi or negative environmental influence. Objects or environments that have cutting/killing chi are usually characterised by sharp corners and pointy, sharp, shard-like shapes. There are also other environmental factors that have knife chi, or bad vibe or disharmonious energy if you like, such as electrosmog, geopathic stress, clutter, T-junctions, telephone poles or trees that block light or the flow of energy in front of your home/business, tall building with corners pointing at your property, mirrored tiles or mirrors that dissect your body, beams above your bed and so on. In short, anything that is not harmonious and drains your energy can be called sha chi or, as the translation suggests, killing/cutting/knife chi.

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What is Chi / Qi / Prana / Life force? How feng shui works and how environmental factors affect us, our biology, genes, and behaviour by Dr Bruce Lipton

What is Chi / Qi / Prana / Lifeforce? How does feng shui work? How environmental factors affect us, our biology, genes, and behaviour? If you’re still wondering about these questions watch this brilliant presentation by Dr Bruce Lipton (author of Biology of Belief). Bruce Lipton is an American developmental biologist best known for discovering that genes, DNA and behaviour can be manipulated by a person’s beliefs and environmental factors. More on Dr Bruce Lipton

Summary of the video

What is chi / qi / prana?
In one scientific word, it is charge and in layman’s term, it is life force or simply ambient and radiant energy.
Read more about what is chi / qi / prana

“Information is physical.” Rolf Randaur

Charge is chi / qi. Watch how charge affects water droplets.

How does feng shui work?
In short: because of epigenetics – ie our bodies and specifically our genes adapt every day to the changes in our environments, affecting our beliefs (placebo effect) and behaviours and every aspect of our lives, starting from our health.
More on how feng shui works and the placebo effect behind feng shui

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What is Qi / Chi in Feng Shui?

What is Qi / Chi in Feng Shui?

Chi Qi

Chi Qi

Qi as the key feng shui concept

Feng shui is the art and philosophy of creating healthy, safe, resourceful homes and workplaces. This art is based on fundamental principles of balance and harmony (yin and yang). The purpose of feng shui is to increase your overall vitality or life force, called by the Chinese: Qi or Chi. This concept is present in many cultures; for example, the Japanese call it Ki, and in Hindu tradition, it is called Prana, and Christians call it the Holy Spirit.

Ambient and radiant energy is present everywhere, and like art, it is expressed in many forms and behaves in different ways. The key function of feng shui is to maximise positive energy and minimise the negative, draining ones. The more energy you have, the more you can do. In fact, everything could be said is one energy in motion (E=mc2). There is a distinction between your personal chi, other people’s chi and the environment’s chi. Potentially, our personal chi has the most power over others and the environment.

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