Feng Shui For Your Home, ‘MOT’ For Your House
For 4000+ years feng shui has been used to help people thrive in different environments. Modern feng shui has been used to boost careers, improve health and personal success. Read how feng shui can help you to optimise your home for improving your health, creating more harmonious relationships, increasing prosperity, academic success and much more...
More on feng shui for homesFeng Shui For Your Business, Your Office, Your Organisation
Many successful companies use feng shui to optimise and align their brands with their working environment to create more success and financial rewards. Companies such as Coca Cola, Orange, British Airways, the NHS, Hiscox Insurance, Hilton Hotels, Marriott Hotels, the University of Westminster School of Architecture and many more – use it to boost their profits.
More on feng shui for businessFeng Shui For Selling & Buying Properties in the UK and abroad
Looking to sell your property quickly and effectively. Feng shui has tools to help with selling and buying properties in London, the UK and worldwide. If you're buying a property and want to ensure that the feng shui of your new home is good call me now. Properties with good feng shui have extra value and are easier to sell in the future. Remote/distant advice is available via Skype.
More on feng shui for selling propertiesBook your consultation now – ONLINE CONSULTATIONS AVAILABLE
Call Jan Cisek – London's top feng shui consultant – on 07956 288 574
Feng Shui for Homes & Businesses
Feng shui consultant Jan Cisek (MSc Environmental Psychology) is a world leading expert with over 40 years of experience in feng shui for your home, for your business and providing remote consultations online. He offers consultations, courses, products and geopathic stress harmonisation. Jan also provides a service for help with buying and selling properties in London, the UK and worldwide (using remote / distant consultations). To book a consultation in London or elsewhere the UK – or for an online remote consultation – please call 07956 288 574 (from abroad +44 7956 288 574)
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Exploring Bedroom and Workplace Design Preferences RESEARCH STUDY – Participate
We Are All Feng Shui Researchers: Feng Shui Practitioners and Enthusiasts as Contributors to the Body of Feng Shui Knowledge and Wisdom
Feng Shui of Oaxaca, Oaxaca City, Mexico
Feng Shui Research: Advancing an Ancient Discipline with Science
Flat sold in 3 hours with a feng shui ritual for selling properties
"Jan, Today, I simply imagined doing the ‘red envelop ritual’ for a house sale, ie wood from near the stove into river etc. Less than 3 hours later, I received an email from a neighbour whom I haven’t even met, saying he’s happy to buy my flat privately!!! I’m over the moon – that’s real magic, Feng Shui at it’s best – it works even if it’s done virtually. Best regards" Katherine Loynes, Property Finder, Richmond, Surrey, UK
More testimonials
Feng Shui Tips, Blog & Videos
Read my blog with the latest news and information on feng shui, tips, events, research and more... Most feng shui tips and remedies are very easy to implement yourself and don't need a specialist's knowledge and expertise.
Watch these videos and learn more about how feng shui works. Jan Cisek's talks include: Feng Shui Guide to Selling Properties, Feng Shui Checklist and more...
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions about feng shui and consultations
If you have any questions about feng shui, how it works and how it can help you with your personal and professional goals and objectives look at the feng shui FAQs page or search the site or read the feng shui blog. Alternatively, feel free to contact me and I'll answer your questions. You can also call me on 07956 288 574 (from outside the UK +44 7956 288574).
The Capital Feng Shui Expert
Jan Cisek is a world-leading feng shui expert with over 40 years of experience in this art, philosophy and science. Jan is the only consultant in the UK with a degree in Environmental Psychology (MSc). Jan has been instrumental in popularising feng shui in London and throughout the world. He is a co-founder of The Feng Shui Society of Great Britain, and he's also passionate about health, ecology, design and education. More about Jan Cisek / Feng Shui Consultant London
Feng Shui Shop
Looking for feng shui remedies and products that will make a big difference to your life and business? Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) which includes geopathic stress, electro-smog and dirty electricity are modern challenges to living and working. Find out more about practical and affordable solutions to these modern hazards. Visit the shop now