What is environmental psychology?
Environmental psychology – a multidisciplinary discipline
Environmental psychology is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary discipline which studies the relationship between humans and their environments. Environmental psychology defines the term environment broadly, encompassing natural environments, social settings, built environments, environmental health, learning environments and informational and virtual environments. More on environmental psychology
Aims and functions of environmental psychology
Environmental psychology for modern environmental stressors
Environmental psychology addresses multiple environmental health problems such as noise pollution, Sick Building Syndrome, density and crowding, sub-standard living, and urban problems. It also offers solutions for work environments as well as homes.

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Environmental psychology and feng shui
The legacy of environmental psychology vs feng shui
Environmental psychology’s legacy is quite short (about 100 years) compared to feng shui’s legacy which spans over 4000 years. It can be said that feng shui is the original environmental psychology because it looked at the relationship between people and places (mainly through observation and trial and error). The aims of feng shui and environmental psychology are the same: to create and optimise living, working, virtual and social environments so people can work and live well. The main difference between feng shui and environmental psychology is that feng shui takes a much bigger view of life and reality encompassing cosmology and the relationship between people and macro-cosmos.
Feng shui | Environmental psychology |
Feng shui is a complex art based on the Chinese understanding of the dynamic flow of energy throughout the universe. It examines how people are affected by the environment in which they live, and consciously acknowledges the connection between our external surroundings and our inner being. (circa 4000 years old) | Environmental psychology is an interdisciplinary field focused on the interplay between individuals and their surroundings. It has a broad definition of 'environment', encompassing natural environments, social settings, built environments, learning environments, and informational environments. (circa 100 years old) |
Difference between environmental psychology and feng shui
Environmental psychology focuses mainly on natural environments, social settings, environmental health, built environments, learning environments and informational and virtual environments without taking a bigger view of life and cosmos. Feng shui is mainly art and philosophy and to some extent science whereas environmental psychology’s main domain is just science.
Feng shui | Environmental psychology |
Art | Science & evidence-based Interdisciplinary (Physics, Psychology, Neuroscience, Ergonomics) |
Philosophy | Semiotics |
Natural 'science' | Cognitive ergonomics |
Design | Design |
Ecology | Ecology |
Physical environments | All kinds of environments |
Environmental health
Environmental health has been defined in a 1999 document by the World Health Organization (WHO) as: “Those aspects of the human health and disease that are determined by factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially affect health. Environmental health as used by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, includes both the direct pathological effects of chemicals, radiation and some biological agents, and the effects (often indirect) on health and well being of the broad physical, psychological, social and cultural environment, which includes housing, urban development, land use and transport.”
Environmental psychologist: Jan Cisek, MSc, London
Jan Cisek studied environmental psychology at the University of Surrey. His master’s dissertation was on Determinants of Pavement Pattern Preference and Their Effect on Affective Appraisal, General Preference and Behavioural Intention, or in short: what kind of shapes people like or prefer and how different shapes affect them. Jan’s environmental passions and interests include learning and virtual (online) environments, ecology, electric cars and pollution, Sick Building Syndrome, fractality, business and office environments as well as homes. Jan is an environmental psychologist working in London and worldwide.

Member of International Association of Applied Psychology
Feng Shui Psychology: Feng Shui Meets Environmental Psychology – Jan Cisek
Feng Shui Conference V, London UK, 29 October 2011
“We shape our building, thereafter they shape us.” said Winston Churchill who is considered a ‘grandfather’ of Environmental Psychology. The definitions of feng shui and Environmental Psychology overlap a great deal. They both talk about the interaction between different environments and people. This talk will present the scientific evidence of how some aspects of feng shui work based on Jan’s MSc in Environmental Psychology.
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