Aion, Chronos, and Kairos

Understanding Time in Feng Shui through the Lens of Greek Mythology

Understanding Time in Feng Shui through the Lens of Greek Mythology

Feng shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonising with one’s environment, often intertwines with various aspects of time. The concept of time in feng shui is multifaceted, integrating cyclical patterns, the flow of energy, and auspicious moments for actions. To deepen our understanding, it is insightful to compare these notions with the Greek mythological concepts of time: Aion, Chronos, and Kairos. These three deities embody different aspects of time, offering a rich framework for understanding how time functions in feng shui.

Aion: The Eternal and Cyclical

In Greek mythology, Aion represents unbounded, eternal time. Aion is depicted as a serpent biting its tail, symbolising the cyclical and endless nature of time. This mirrors the feng shui perspective where time is seen as a continuous cycle, influencing energy flows and environmental harmony. For instance, the Chinese zodiac operates on a twelve-year cycle, each year associated with a specific animal that influences that year’s energy.

In feng shui, Aion’s influence is evident in the use of the Chinese lunar calendar, which guides the timing of activities such as renovations, relocations, and even daily routines. The Bagua model, a central feng shui tool, also reflects cyclical patterns, with each section corresponding to different life aspects that must be harmonised cyclically.

Chronos: The Linear Passage

Chronos, another Greek deity, personifies linear, chronological time—time that progresses from past to present to future. This concept is crucial in feng shui when considering the Flying Stars system, which examines the temporal shifts in a building’s energy. The Flying Stars system uses the passage of time to predict changes in fortune and recommend adjustments to the environment.

Chronos’s embodiment of the relentless march of time also finds resonance in feng shui practices that address the ageing and wear of a home. Regular maintenance and updates to the living space are necessary to keep energy fresh and vibrant, much like the need to adapt to the changing aspects of life that Chronos governs.

Kairos: The Opportune Moment

Kairos represents the supreme, qualitative moments within chronological time—moments that require seizing. This concept aligns with the feng shui practice of selecting auspicious dates for significant activities, such as weddings, moving into a new house, or starting a business. These moments are chosen based on the alignment of celestial bodies and the flow of qi (energy), ensuring actions are performed when the universe is most supportive.

Kairos in feng shui is also reflected in the principle of “right place, right time,” emphasising the importance of timing in achieving harmony and success. This could mean waiting for the right season to initiate a project or the right phase of the moon to conduct a ritual. Luck is defined as being in the right place, doing the right things, at the right time. How? By having the right mindset or attitude. The Luck Factor elaborates more on how to increase your luck factor.

Feng shui astrology chart

Feng shui astrology chart

The Concept of Time in Chinese Cosmology and Astrology: A Comparative Analysis with Greek Mythology

Chinese cosmology and astrology present a unique view of time that contrasts with the Greek concepts of Aion, Chronos, and Kairos. While the Greeks personified time into distinct deities representing eternal, linear, and opportune moments, the ancient Chinese perspective integrates time as a cyclical and intertwined element of the cosmos.

Cyclical Nature of Time

In ancient Chinese cosmology, time is predominantly seen as cyclical rather than linear. Unlike the Greek concept of Chronos, which represents a strict linear progression from past to future, Chinese time is marked by recurring cycles. This cyclical nature is observed in the movements of celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and planets, which define the patterns and flow of time. The idea of “fleeting time” refers to the repetitive nature of years, months, and days, each forming a short cycle within the broader continuum of eternal cosmic time.

Interconnection of Time and Space

A fundamental aspect of Chinese cosmology is the deep interconnection between time and space. The cycles of celestial bodies not only mark the passage of time but also define spatial orientations and directions. This holistic view posits that “space is time when space is turning at a constant rate.” The cosmos is perceived as a dynamic, ever-changing system where time is an integral part of cyclical patterns and transformations, rather than a separate linear progression as seen in Greek mythology. Concepts akin to the “fabric of space-time” in modern physics suggest that in Chinese thought, time and space are interwoven into an inseparable whole.

Observational Basis and Zodiac Cycles

Chinese astrology, which differs from the Greek’s personification of time, bases its understanding on meticulous observations of planetary movements. Notably, Jupiter’s 12-year orbit forms the foundation of the 12-year animal zodiac cycle. These zodiac animals represent different energies and qualities associated with specific time periods. An individual’s destiny and fortune are determined not just by their zodiac year but also by the precise alignment of heavenly bodies at their birth month, day, and hour, known as the “Four Pillars” of destiny. The time of birth is thus profoundly significant in Chinese astrology.

Governing Principles: Yin-Yang and the Five Elements

The principles of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements govern the cyclical energies and qualities associated with different times of day, promoting optimal productivity and life balance. These principles underscore the inherent cyclicity and interconnectedness of time and space in Chinese cosmology.

Comparative Analysis with Greek Concepts of Time

While the Greeks had distinct personifications for different aspects of time—Aion for eternal time, Chronos for linear time, and Kairos for opportune moments—the ancient Chinese did not make such clear-cut separations. Instead, they viewed time as an intrinsic part of the cyclical cosmic patterns and transformations of space itself. The absence of personified deities in Chinese astrology highlights a more integrated approach where time is seamlessly woven into the fabric of the cosmos, deeply tied to celestial movements and alignments.

In summary, the ancient Chinese perspective on time emphasises its cyclical nature and its deep interconnection with space, contrasting with the Greek linear and personified concepts of time. This integrated view provides a holistic understanding of the cosmos, where time is an ever-present, dynamic force within the cyclical and transformative patterns of the universe.

Integrating Greek Time Concepts into Feng Shui Practice

The integration of Aion, Chronos, and Kairos into feng shui enriches the practice by providing a comprehensive understanding of time. Here are some practical applications:

  1. Cyclical Time (Aion): Embrace the cyclical nature of feng shui by regularly updating your home according to the annual flying star predictions. Use the Chinese zodiac and lunar calendar to plan major life events.
  2. Linear Time (Chronos): Maintain your environment by recognising the passage of time. Regular decluttering, repairs, and updates ensure that the energy in your space remains vibrant and supportive.
  3. Opportune Moments (Kairos): Plan significant activities during auspicious times. Utilise feng shui calendars to choose the best dates for important events, maximising the positive energy available.


Understanding the different aspects of time—cyclical, linear, and opportune—through the lenses of Aion, Chronos, and Kairos, offers a deeper appreciation of feng shui’s temporal dimensions. By incorporating these ancient Greek concepts, practitioners can enhance their feng shui practices, aligning more harmoniously with the natural rhythms and forces of the universe. This integration not only enriches the theoretical framework of feng shui but also provides practical strategies for optimising our environments in accordance with the flow of time.

Date selection

If you need any help with date selection for any important event, such as starting your business, moving  home, wedding, etc, please contact me.

Posted in Feng shui books reviews.