Feng Shui Money Plants. Feng Shui Plants to Attract Wealth into your Homes and Workplaces.

In feng shui, we use many different plants to attract wealth and prosperity into your home and workplace (depending on culture and preference) as well as to activate different areas of the bagua model:

  1. Money plant (Crassula ovata), is probably the most famous money plant used in feng shui
  2. Pothos which is an Indian money plant, which is also an air-cleansing plant
  3. Coin Plant
  4. Swiss Cheese Money Plant/ Monstera
  5. Pothos
  6. Satin Pothos
  7. Lucky Bamboo
  8. Silver Dollar Vine
  9. Guiana Chestnut
  10. Lucky Succulents

1. Money Plant (Crassula ovata)
The most popular feng shui money plant is crassula ovata, which is commonly known as the jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, or simply money tree. This money plant is a succulent plant which flowers twice a year with small pink or white flowers. Its steady growth will increase wealth and prosperity in the house. Propagate it from its cuttings.

Feng shui money plant

The feng shui money plant

2. Pathos (Epipremnum aureum or golden pothos) which is an Indian money plant
It is also called golden pothos, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy and taro vine. It is also called devil’s vine or devil’s ivy because it is almost impossible to kill. There are of many types of this climber plant, including marble prince, neon and marble queen. It’s very easy to grow and a low-maintenance indoor plant. This plant is also easy to propagate.

Epipremnum aureus / Indian money plant and air cleansing plant

Epipremnum aureus / Indian money plant and air cleansing plant

This money plant is very popular in India, Nepal and Bangladesh and is perfect for decoration in homes as well as workplaces, shopping centres, or any other public locations. It is very easy to look after and has attractive leaves. It is also an air-cleansing plant – very efficient at removing indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene (according to Wolverton, B. C. How To Grow Fresh Air, Penguin Books, New York, 1997). As a houseplant, it can reach a height of 20m (66ft) or more, so it needs suitable support to grow well. The money plant can be used in aquariums, placed on top of the aquarium and allowed to grow roots in the water. This is beneficial to the plant and the aquarium as it absorbs many nitrates and uses them for growth.

3. Coin plant (Pilea peperomioides)
According to feng shui, the coin plant attracts positivity and wealth because its leaves resemble coins. You can easily propagate the coin plant using a stem cutting – therefore, multiply your wealth.

Coin plant (Pilea peperomioides)

4. Swiss Cheese Money Plant (Monstera plant/Monstera adansonii)
As the name suggests, the leaves look like swiss cheese. Not sure why this plant is considered a money plant – I guess because of its association with Switzerland, where lots of cash is stashed in banks. More on Monstera

Swiss Cheese Money Plant (Monstera plant:Monstera adansonii)

Swiss Cheese Money Plant (Monstera adansonii)


5. Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)
This heart-shaped leaf with silver splotches perennial vine plant. As with other plants, it’s easy to propagate it from cuttings.

Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)

Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)

6. Lucy bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
As the name suggests this plant brings luck and harmony into your home, wherever you place it, according to the bagua model. For example, if you place it in the relationship/marriage/love corner of your home, it will bring luck to that domain of your life. This perennial plant grows both in water or soil and in bright indirect sunlight. Use filtered water to water the lucky bamboo, as it is sensitive to chlorine and other pollutants. In feng shui, it is believed that the number of stalks can represent different things, depending on your needs and wants. For example, eight stalks represent wealth, two represent intimate relationships or each can represent each member of the family.

Lucky bamboo plant

Lucky bamboo plant

7. Silver Dollar Vine (Xerosicyos danguyi)
This is another coin-shaped leaf plant which attracts wellness and prosperity.

Silver Dollar Vine (Xerosicyos danguyi)

Silver Dollar Vine (Xerosicyos danguyi)

8. Guiana chestnut (Pachira aquatic)
This feng shui-compatible plant is considered auspicious for it’s positive, happy energy. Pachira aquatica is a native of Central and South America tropical wetland tree which grows in swamps. The common names: Malabar chestnut, French peanut, provision tree, saba nut, monguba (Brazil), pumpo (Guatemala), but it is commercially sold as a money tree and money plant as a braided trunk and is commonly grown as a houseplant.

Guiana chestnut (Pachira aquatic)

Guiana chestnut (Pachira aquatic)

10. Lucky Succulents (Pachyphytum, Echeveria elegant)
From a feng shui perspective, succulents are considered lucky because they don’t usually need much water and are very resilient. Easy to care for, they are happiest with an abundance of sunlight. 


Succulents to attack luck

Other money plants
Different cultures have their own money plants, such as jasmine, basil, prickly pear, lavender, and fern. Over Christmas, obviously, the Christmas tree is a lucky tree too.

Low-maintenance money plants are also little ornamental crystal money plants with crystals as leaves such as amber or citrine.

What’s the use of the money plants?
In feng shui, money plants are used to boost prosperity and wealth creation. Plants belong to the element wood/tree, which relates to your family, community and wealth creation.

Some of the above money plants are also air-cleansing plants – read the full list of air-cleansing plants.

What’s the best place for money plants in my home and workplace?
If possible, place your money plants in the wealth corners of your home and workplace. Most of these money plants like light, so near the windows are the best places. Ultimately, they can be placed anywhere you have the right space because they have radiant ambient prosperity vibrations, so they will work on the whole space (so don’t get obsessed with the exact placement). If you’re not sure, call your feng shui consultant.

What kind of pots to use for money plants?
If you have a choice, choose round pots (round/oval shapes represent the element of metal which is to do with money creation). Metalic pots are also good. Also, octagonal (eight-shaped) pots are good because the number 8 is symbolic of prosperity and wealth.

Posted in Feng shui money plants.