Electromagnetic Radiation and Health Conference: Evidence, Diagnosis and Management
Scientific conference on electrosensitivity and the health effects of electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic Radiation and Health Conference: Evidence, Diagnosis and Management
Scientific conference on electrosensitivity and the health effects of electromagnetic radiation
Venue: Hallam Conference Centre, Hallam St, London W1W 6JJ
Price: £150
Find out more or register on our website www.bsem.org.uk
Organiser: Rachel Nicoll
Diagnosis and Management of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Rapid Overview for a mixed audience by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe
0900: Registration
0930: Dr Damien Downing: Welcome from the BSEM President Rachel Nicoll Introduction to the day
Professor Denis Henshaw: EM radiation and Health
Alasdair Philips: EM radiation – what does it all mean for the layman?
Michael Bevington: EM radiation: the legal and political scene
1045: Coffee
1115: Rachel Nicoll: EM radiation and animal studies
Alasdair Philips: EM radiation and human studies – why the results differ from animal studies
Professor Denis Henshaw: EM radiation, childhood leukaemia and melatonin (own research)
Professor Martin Pall: EMFs, intracellular calcium imbalance and the NO cycle
1250: Lunch
1350: Michael Bevington: Electrosensitivity: Symptoms and impact
Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe: Electrosensitivity: Clinical diagnosis and management and own research
Dr John Kelsey (Saferwave): Review of RF protection approaches, devices and testing
Alasdair Philips (EMFields): Reducing Exposure – EMF detection and remediation
1530: Tea
1600: Dr John McLaren Howard: Biochemistry of electrosensitivity
Dr Jean Monro: Nutritional solutions
Dr John Kelsey: Earthing
Dr John McLaren Howard: Earthing case study
1730 Finish
Professor Denis L Henshaw
Following a research career spanning 38 years, Denis Henshaw is Emeritus Professor of Human Radiation Effects at the University of Bristol. In retirement he is Honorary Scientific Director at Children with Cancer UK. Denis’s early research was in Astrophysics, but he branched out to pioneer new techniques for measuring natural alpha-radioactivity in the environment. Over a 24-year period, under Medical Research Council Programme Grant support, he led a team studying natural alpha-radioactive particles in the human body, including their transplacental transfer to the foetus. He predicted a link between the natural radioactive gas radon and leukaemia, publishing in The Lancet in 1990 a series of associations between domestic radon exposure and incidence of childhood leukaemia. This led to work by others revealing genomic instability of cells irradiated with alpha-particles. In the mid-1990s he and his team made extensive measurements of alpha-radioactivity in the Chernobyl exclusion zone resulting from the accident at Reactor IV on 26th April 1986.
In the mid-1990s, Denis and his colleagues developed the hypothesis that corona ions emitted from high-voltage overhead powerlines, could mediate adverse health effects, beyond the range of the direct electric and magnetic fields. The hypothesis predates four subsequent epidemiological findings, three in children and one in adults, of increased risk of leukaemia up to 600 metres from powerlines. Complementing this research, Denis has been a leader in the study of underlying mechanisms by which exposure to magnetic fields from the electricity supply may increase the risk of a number of cancer and non-cancer illnesses, notably via melatonin disruption.
Denis has published over 250 scientific papers. He has contributed to Parliamentary select committee and other reports by Official bodies in the UK and overseas, and the World Health Organisation, including membership of the UK Stakeholder Advisory Group for EMF (SAGE).
Professor Martin L Pall
Martin Pall is Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. He received his BA degree at Johns Hopkins Univ. and PhD at Caltech. Professor Pall is the author of 90 publications including a 16 chapter book (‘Explaining Unexplained Illnesses’). He received the Jonathan Forman award in Oct. 2013, the highest honour given by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), this being the seventh international honour Pall has received for his work in environmental medicine since 2004. He is a founding faculty member in the Environmental Medicine program in Italy. Prof. Pall is widely known for his work on the NO/ONOO- cycle, a generic mechanism for chronic disease, and is also widely known for his work on how various stressors, including diverse chemicals, initiate cases of such chronic diseases. Pall has published 15 scientific papers since he “retired” from the University five years ago and has given approximately 50 invited talks in nine countries during that time period. Pall’s recent (Aug. 2013) paper on EMF activation of voltage-gated calcium channels is already widely recognized as a seminal paper in the field, and he has already given three professional talks on this topic and submitted two additional papers as well.
Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe
Dr. Mallery-Blythe led emergency trauma teams in hospitals throughout the UK and abroad for over a decade. She had a strong educational role also within Emergency Medicine, and not only instructed doctors of all levels and specialties advanced trauma techniques on ATLS courses, but also educated potential new instructors by teaching on the instructor courses. Around 5 years ago, she was lured away from the trauma room by her observation of emerging radiation induced illness. She began reading existing literature on the subject, specifically regarding biological effects of non-thermal levels of non-ionising radiation. She has now worked with eminent scientists both in the UK and abroad on the subject, and currently fills the following positions: 1. Trustee for the Radiation Research Trust 2. Medical Advisor for Electrosensitivity – UK (ES-UK) 3. Board Member of Child Protection Technology Foundation (CPTF) – US-based group 4. Director of Health for Óver-Achievers In the course of her work for these organisations she constructs and executes research projects, supports individuals with electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and their families, liaises with doctors of all specialties to facilitate optimal care and deal with challenging cases, and improves education and awareness with both medical and public lectures both regarding EHS and effects on the general population. She is currently establishing a UK doctors group for medical professionals who wish to stay current on the issue, offer improved patient care in this rapidly evolving area, and facilitate a more progressive approach here in the UK. If you wish to know more about the group, please do get in touch with her at the end of the lectures and she will describe it further and explain the membership process.
Alasdair Philips DAgrE, BSc(Eng), MIAgrE, MIEEE
Alasdair is a professional engineer (agricultural and electronics), scientific researcher and project manager. He was a Founder Member of the UK Department of Health’s ELF EMF (SAGE) consultation process, a former member of Sir William Stewart’s HPA EMF Discussion Group and a former member of an EC (Brussels) Expert Group on public advice regarding EMF and Health. He has given professional advice to local authorities and presented Expert Evidence to the High Court & Public Inquiries. In 1998, Coghill, Busby and Philips took a case to court on the need for Warning Labels on mobile phones, resulting in the setting up of the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones. He also instigated and co-ordinated the CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA International Scientific Conference on the causes and prevention of childhood leukaemia and was closely involved in organising the Childhood Cancer 2012 conference, London. www.childhoodcancer2012.org.uk
Alasdair has made many appearances on UK radio (R4, R5, and BBC World Service) and TV (BBC1, ITV, CH4, CH5, CNN and Sky News) and is a Member of Scientists for Global Responsibility (On Steering Committee 1992-96). He is the author of ‘Living with Electricity’ and ‘Killing Fields in the Home?’ and co-author of the Powerwatch Handbook (Piatkus Books, 2006). He is also a co-author on the paper Coghill RW, Steward J, Philips A. ‘Extra low frequency electric and magnetic fields in the bedplace of children diagnosed with leukaemia: a case-control study’. Eur J Cancer Prev. 1996 Jun;5(3):153-8. Alasdair has also founded, and is currently a director of, Powerwatch (www.powerwatch.org.uk), an organisation which promotes policies for a safer environment with respect to radiation.
Dr John McLaren Howard
Dr McLaren Howard developed his education and skills while working in the Analytical Research laboratories of Laporte Chemicals and as a Scientific Officer at a UK Government Research Association at Welwyn in Hertfordshire, where he developed new analytical methods. His first papers were on high voltage electrophoresis for the measurement of trace elements and on the formation of calcium sulphato-aluminate crystals. In 1965 John took up the post of Clinical Biochemist at the London Clinic. During 19 years in that hospital he introduced a trace element assessment service and undertook ongoing cooperative work with colleagues in the USA, including work with Dr F W Sunderman Jr on serum nickel as a marker of myocardial infarction. John’s lectures and examination success led to the award of a Doctor of Science degree in 1979. John continued his part time studies at Birkbeck College, University of London under the direction of Prof Peter Sadler, taking the Inorganic Biochemistry in Medicine course.
In 1984, John and Dr Stephen Davies set up Biolab Medical Unit where John became Laboratory Director, a post he held until his retirement in May 2007. During those years John published over 20 papers, contributed to at least seven books and broadcast on a number of subjects related to nutrition in medicine. Following a series of lectures to the college, John became an invited Fellow of the American College of Nutrition. He is also a founder member of and continues to be active in the Inorganic Biochemistry Discussion Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Following his retirement from Biolab, John continued his detailed work on ATP and mitochondrial function through his own laboratory (Acumen), based a few miles from his home in Devon, UK. He continues to explore and develop techniques using recent developments in fluorescent microscopy to allow one to ‘see’ clinically important biochemical reactions at the molecular level.
Michael Bevington MA (Oxon.), MEd (O.U.)
Michael Bevington took a degree in Classics at Exeter College, Oxford University, where he was awarded an Open Exhibition. He then passed a PGCE with distinction at King’s College, London, and has since taken an MEd at the Open University. Since 1986 he has been Head of Classics at Stowe School, Buckingham. He is also a team leader for a national examination board, a tutor for Buckingham University, and has published several books and articles, especially on 18th century architecture and garden iconography.
His interest in the biological effects of low-level electromagnetic exposure began in September 2006, when he was sensitised to EM radiation after a WiFi router was installed in his classroom. His case showing harm from WiFi was one of the first to feature in the national press, appearing in the Times and Times Educational Supplement in November and December 2006. This was followed by radio and TV appearances, especially after the BBC Panorama programme on the dangers of WiFi in April 2007. In 2007 he became a trustee of the charity ElectroSensitivity UK (ES-UK) and since 2008 has been its chair. In 2010 he published the first edition of Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity: A Summary, revised and enlarged in 2013 to 112 pages with over 1800 scientific references, to help provide key information on the condition for doctors and health officials. He is contributing in a small way to a forthcoming book on Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. He has also edited the quarterly ES-UK Newsletter since 2007.
Dr Jean Monro
Dr Jean Monro has a background in hospital general medicine and worked at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, London, researching migraine and multiple sclerosis. She established the Breakspear Hospital for Allergy and Environmental Medicine in 1988 and is currently Medical Director of the Breakspear Medical Group. She was a Consultant at Fachkrankenhaus Nordfriesland, Germany, from 1991 to 2009. She has published widely and regularly speaks at conferences worldwide.
Dr Monro’s primary area of interest is environmental medicine. She started her career as a hospital doctor with an interest in paediatrics and neurology, and moved on to general medicine, subsequently developing a special interest in allergies and environmental medicine.
Dr John Kelsey PhD, ND
John is half smart and keen to use his scientific background that seeks solid substantiation. 25 years of designing toxic waste water plants that had to work reinforced the premise that results are the real basis for success. Scientific explanations are useful, revealing, often demanded, but not always a necessity. Acupuncture is a primary example, where results are visible and scientifically unexplained. At age 50 John changed direction and retrained progressively in Chi Kung healing, meditation practices, basic nutrition, person centred counselling and traditional naturopathy. This provided a balance to the scientific perspective. Having a technological bent, John became involved in biofeedback devices, including user manual, training and certification systems. Devices have formed the basis for ongoing research, in conjunction with a cutting edge clinic in Norway. The EIS/EsTeck offers a rapid and reproducible functional assessment, assessing therapeutic interventions and disturbances. It is the initial assessment approach used for assessing the effect of EMFs and shows a demonstrable effect within 10 minutes. Other approaches (GSR, simple EEG, HRV, BIA, thermography and biofield) are being assessed for which EMF aspects are primary in creating an issue and elaborating mechanisms. Of particular interest is the links between biofield, meridians and organs, especially in the purported benefit of phone protective devices. We would like to indulge a program that can demonstrate EMF effects that can be used in schools, such as plants and the ant tests in Sweden, with the view that this will initiate a viral spread of problem awareness.
Our research indulgence is limited by the need to earn a living! John brought (indoor) Earthing® into Europe, at the strong insistence of Dr James Oschman. This shows significant effects on many peoples’ sleep, pain and inflammation. It is supported by good studies. John is the MD of SaferWave, set up to market a product designed to reduce the effects of phone signals on health by addressing the cause at its roots. John will be presenting the science behind both earthing and phone protection.
Rachel Nicoll
Rachel came to medicine late in life as a result of her own health problems. She is currently studying for a PhD and works as a researcher on, mainly, cardiovascular disease but also has a strong interest in environmental and nutritional medicine. She has written over 20 papers and lectured on aspects of nutritional and environmental medicine and biochemistry.