Types and styles of feng shui
There are different types and styles of feng shui available – depending on your needs and circumstances. The main two schools of feng shui are classical feng shui and modern feng shui. Within classical and modern feng shui, there are different types and styles of feng shui related to time and space, such as holistic feng shui, intuitive feng shui, integral feng shui and spiritual feng shui (top tips).
Feng shui works on several levels, from physical/environmental to emotional to mental and to the spiritual. The spiritual domain can be enhanced with feng shui and can work for you in different life domains such as career, relationships, health, wealth, success and so on. Adding the spiritual dimension to your feng shui and your feng shui practice can help to build a more holistic and richer life. With spiritual feng shui, you can boost your spiritual development and shape your home/workplace to shape your soul and get more out of life.
Watch my talk on Spiritual Feng Shui below
The trinity of luck: earth luck, human luck and heaven luck
In classical feng shui, there is a concept of luck with a distinction between earth’s luck, human’s luck and heaven’s luck and these correspond to physical domain, personal domain and spiritual domain. Our lives are influenced by this trinity luck and each of these lucks can account for about 33% of one’s life.
Although we can’t change the date and place of our births, we can change our environments and our attitudes and behaviours so we can shape our destiny as Winston Churchill, put it “We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.”
Spirituality and feng shui
Spirituality is defined as a connection to a larger life, peace of mind and care and compassion. These values and qualities are intrinsic to feng shui as well and are an ethical part of any professional feng shui consultancy. The aims of feng shui are to create more peace and harmony through the connection to the immediate environment and a larger life and cosmos, as well as service, care and compassion.
Another aspect that feng shui shares with spirituality is energy or life force, which in feng shui is called chi/qi and in spirituality is called grace. Accessing grace will allow for a greater, overall personal energy as well as synchronicity, protection, luck and manifesting your dreams and goals.
Destiny vs fate
Fate is defined as your predetermined future, which you can’t really change. You can learn how to navigate it (if you know it), but most of it you can’t change. Fate is closely linked to your tribal mentality, which will influence your life to a great extent and can block your development and lead to fatalistic thinking. It’s been suggested that human development goes through established stages from tribal to personal to spiritual.
Destiny, on the other hand, can be changed and shaped by your mental mindsets, actions and so on. Your personal preferences, mindsets and needs are shaping your destiny all the time. Choosing your destiny is empowering.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” (in Psychological Review) suggested a theory of a hierarchy of needs, which is usually represented as a pyramid (although he never used the graphic representation of a pyramid which suggests life as a kind of game where you get to/unlock the next level when you’ve completed the previous one, which obviously it’s not the case – life is a process) with the more basic needs at the bottom, starting with physiological needs, safety, belonging and love, esteem, self-actualization, and self-transcendence. Spiritual feng shui addresses the top levels of self-actualisation and self-transcendence. NB A better metaphor for human needs than a static, hierarchal pyramid is a sailboat. With a sailboat, you still need to have a boat that is safe and secure. If there is a leak in your boat, you may not get far in life or in the ocean. So that’s the starting point and then you need to have a direction to go and to open up the sail, and adjust the course of the journey.
What is spiritual feng shui for
Spiritual feng shui deals with the spiritual aspects of individuals or organisations, as opposed to personal ones. The function of spiritual feng shui is to support and remind you, as well as anchor your own spiritual practice in your home and workplace. Spiritual feng shui is inclusive as well as transcending. It can include your present religious orientation but it’s not religious as such (read more about spiritual feng shui). Spiritual feng shui helps to create more connection and balance, peace of mind, as well as care and security. It answers the question which Albert Einstein posed, “I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.”
Spiritual feng shui is practical and can involve everyday activities that can be customised to support your spiritual life. For example, daily connecting to nature is practical spirituality and this can be achieved with the biophilia effect or simply with having some plants at home or workplace. Another practical example is drinking tea – which, if looked at from a basic physiological need, is nothing special but drinking liquid to quench thirst. In Japan, though, the tea ceremony is considered a spiritual practice and a highly elaborate sacred ritual. Visiting sacred places or power places is practical spirituality and creating sacred spaces at home or workplace can bring similar benefits. For example, in many cultures, people create simple altars in their homes and workplaces to remind them of their connection to the spiritual domain. Nature is a universal connection to the spiritual dimension of life since nature is much bigger than us. Plants, images of nature can be anchors and fit nicely to your own spiritual ways as well. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter much how you’re going to express that connection to something bigger than yourself, to the wonder and energies of life, as long as it works for you.
Benefits of spiritual feng shui
There are many benefits of spiritual practice which have been studied and documented extensively (over 3300 studies, Koenig, 2012):
• boosting and supporting your spiritual practice
• creating a sacred space in your home and workplace
• opening and devising spiritual gateways that help you connect to the wonder and energies of life
• enabling spiritual/mystical experiences through environmental settings
• better performance
• reduction of stress and building resilience
• wellness and wellbeing as well as peace of mind and care and compassion
(read my blog, spiritual feng shui, about further benefits and research)
The spiritual feng shui session includes:
1) Finding out your spiritual needs and values
2) All aspects of feng shui (placement, colours, arrangements, rituals, etc) to create a sacred space for your home and workplace
3) Dowsing for geopathic stress, checking EMFs pollution/electromagnetic smog and solutions
4) Some aspects of feng shui astrology (if you need this, please provide DOBs before my visit)
5) Space clearing
6) For home offices and workplaces: aligning your brand with your spiritual values and evaluating spiritual images and artefacts
7) Follow up fine-tuning consultation on site or on the phone (2nd part of the consultation) after a few months
8) Full support during the whole process (via email /Skype/telephone). My feng shui approach is person-centred, evidence-based (I’m a scientist and environmental psychologist as well) and solution-centred so I’ll focus on solutions that will work for you.
The first consultation lasts up to 2 hours and I will email you a spiritual feng shui report.
Fee: depends on the location – please call/text me or email me for a quote giving your location (ie postcode) and how big is your home or workplace
I have an Ofqual recognised diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness and I also work as a Spiritual Health Mentor.
Book your spiritual feng shui session: call/text/whatsapp me on +44 7956 288574 or email me
Research on spirituality and benefits
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